Monday, May 3, 2010

Some Quick Facts about the MacBook

MacBook memory
Almost everyone has seen the commercials with the two men stating “I’m a Mac” and “I’m a PC.” The commercials are meant to compare the two main computer distributors. The “Mac” is a younger average-looking guy who always seems to have something cool and funny to say. The “PC” is a middle-aged guy in a suit and glasses who is constantly trying to make the PC sound hip and cool. However, as this is an Apple-created commercial, the Mac always ends up sounding much better. Still, regardless of the cool commercials, more people are choosing PCs for their home computers and laptops. On the other hand, Macs and MacBooks are catching up to PCs in sales and popularity. Their sleek design and reliable support have created many die-hard Mac fans. However, when buying MacBook memory, one must do a lot of research in order to find the highest quality upgrade for the best price.

MacBooks are great computers and usually have quite a bit of memory. When buying a MacBook one should make sure that it has at least 2 gigabytes of RAM computer memory and a duo core processor. One can always get memory upgrades but they are often somewhat expensive in the case of Apple computers. If it is necessary to buy extra memory for a Mac, one should not go with the cheapest option. Low quality memory can and often will cause application crashes, total machine crashes, and data corruption. However, Macs can support a lot of memory and have the potential to be extremely powerful systems. Another benefit of buying a MacBook is the battery life. They tend to have a very high battery life and it can be upgraded as well. In addition, they often have a lot of hard drive space. When it comes to Macs people rarely have to upgrade hard drive space.

Many people buy Mac computers because they are very aesthetically pleasing. They are sleek and modern looking. In addition, the interface is very nice looking. The screen resolution is often very high and looks great when playing movies. For this reason many people buy Macs in order to edit video footage and create high-quality movies and video files. Photo editing software such as Photoshop is optimized for a Mac; therefore it is easy to make high-quality images. The amount of laptop memory or computer memory one should buy depends on the kinds of programs he or she will be running on the computer.

Macs and PCs can be compared, but they should really be treated as two completely different systems with different features. There is a vast multitude about these systems on the internet and doing research about them can help one decide which system is right for each individual.

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